Workplace Giving
A convenient way to make payroll deduction contributions directly to The NRA Foundation.

Make us your charity of choice and select The NRA Foundation in your workplace giving program.
Workplace giving campaigns include the Combined Federal Campaign (CFC); state, city and local government campaigns; matching gift campaigns; United Way; and other workplace giving programs.
Combined Federal Campaign (CFC #11872)
The Combined Federal Campaign is the only authorized solicitor of employee contributions in the federal workplace. The NRA Foundation is considered a National Unaffiliated Organization and can be found in that section of the CFC booklet.

State, City & Local Government Employee Campaigns
Employees of these agencies may also contribute to The NRA Foundation at their workplace if the Foundation meets the agency’s eligibility criteria. Specifically designating the Foundation in campaigns where eligibility has not yet been determined is often the catalyst for the Foundation becoming eligible.
Matching Gifts
Many corporations will match their employees gifts to charitable organizations, effectively doubling or tripling your charitable contribution. Donors should check with their personnel office and follow directions to initiate a match.
To check if your company offers this benefit, contact The NRA Foundation at 888-467-2363 or by email.
Other Workplace Giving Campaigns
Many non-governmental employers offer their employees workplace giving in lieu of participating in community-based campaigns such as the United Way. Check with your personnel office to see if the Foundation is eligible in your Workplace Giving Campaign.
Have a Question About Workplace Giving?
Contact us toll-free at 877-NRA-GIVE to donate or to explore other ways in which you can give to support the future of the shooting sports.
More Ways of Giving
Gift of Guns
A gift of personal firearms will provide you with a tax-deduction for the value of the property.