The NRA Foundation Frontline Heroes Scholarship

The NRA Foundation Board of Trustees has established the Frontline Heroes Scholarship to institute a memorial to this distinguished group of First Responders, Law Enforcement Officers, and Military personnel*, who have served continuously and unselfishly in the highest tradition of our great nation.
The Frontline Heroes Scholarship will give a one-time annual award of up to $10,000** for one eligible candidate.
Proof of eligibility will be required in the form of a letter from the employing agency of the currently serving full time, retired, medically retired or deceased first responder.
A child of
- A currently serving, full time first responder, to include fire fighter, nurse, law enforcement officer, corrections officer, or military personnel.
- A retired, having served full time, first responder, to include fire fighter, nurse, law enforcement officer, corrections officer, or military personnel.
- A disabled, retired, having served full time, first responder, to include fire fighter, nurse, law enforcement officer, corrections officer, or military personnel.
- A deceased, having served full time, first responder, to include fire fighter, nurse, law enforcement officer, corrections officer, or military personnel.

Proof of eligibility will be required in the form of a letter from the employing agency of the currently serving full time, retired, medically retired or deceased first responder.
Application Opens Tuesday, January 2, 2024. All applications must be submitted by midnight eastern time Sunday, March 31, 2024.

Selection Criteria:
- Current high school senior, or a college student in their freshman, sophomore, or junior year, with a grade point average of 3.0 or higher, based on a 4.0 scale.
- Academic achievement
- Honors and awards
- School service
- Community service
- Special accomplishments
- Written essay
- Letters of recommendation/reference
Required Documentation:
- Transcripts
- SAT/ACT score report(s), minimum score of 1010 on the SAT, 21 or higher on the ACT
- Proof of full-time enrollment, minimum of 12 credit hours
- Essay, minimum of 500 words, no more than 700 words
- Letter(s) of recommendation or reference, at least one

Awards, honors, volunteer service, athletic participation, and work experience may be considered.
Applications must be complete when submitted. Required but missing documentation will disqualify an applicant.
*Distinguished group includes, but is not limited to, first responders, fire fighters, EMT/EMS, nurses, law enforcement, homeland security, correction officers, military, and National Guard.
**The scholarship can only be paid to an accredited, public or private, nonprofit college or university. Please note that this scholarship may only be used for tuition and fees, books, room and board, and in some cases, research project materials. Scholarship funds will be paid directly to the college or university in the name of the student.
Immediate family members of board members, officers, or employees of The NRA Foundation, the NRA, or any other affiliated NRA organization (e.g., the NRA Civil Rights Defense Fund) are not eligible.
If you have a question email [email protected] .
Application open from January 2 until midnight March 31, 2024.